
We stayed overnight at Zea Marina in order to satisfy our everlasting lust of marine chandlers. That and Sushi. There are a number of them on the boulevard around Zea marina, but the highest density is found close to the commercial port across the hill. While on the move in somewhat remote areas finding some […]

Wind scoop

As we empirically established temperatures in Greece can reach >30C. Thus we wake up a little earlier to enjoy the cooler morning hours such that we can relax during the hot afternoon. To keep the indoor temperature somewhat manageable we installed some wind scoops. These tunnel the breeze above deck to the cabins below. We […]

Boat works in Nikiana

Summer arrived and Ocean Wolf left the marina and has been on anchor in the Lefkas area. After some diving lessons and while waiting for delivery of some gear we spend time on some boat works to bring things back to former glory. The welder came to replace some rusted area with a fresh bit […]


After a few days in Ithaka we head to Kefalonia. Here we hope to see some turtles while staying at anchor while wind picks up. Sadly the predictions for wind and rain turn out mostly accurate. The promised turtles remain unseen. We suspect they are in hibernation. We use the time to rewire one of […]

Nmea2000 to NMEA 0183

While trying to prepare for an autopilot upgrade we entered the wonderful world of serial IO. Multiple windows driver upgrades took place. Frustrations were dealt with. Interface to db9 serial port: Actisense gateway to bridge between NMEA 2000 backbone and nmea0183. Connection to the nmea2000 backbone: